Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Wonder Weeks

Wonder Weeks = A grumpy baby, and a very tired mommy
If you don't know what a Wonder Week is, let me break it down for you.
A few weeks at a time when your baby/toddler will cry almost constantly, forget all about their schedule, refuse naps, wake up 5 times a night, and test the boundaries that you've set for him/her while also testing your sanity.
Why? Because just as babies go through physical growth spurts, they also go through mental ones. These mental growth spurts are what the book The Wonder Weeks call "leaps" because after these few weeks of what you are certain is your breaking point, your baby will be able to do and understand things that he/she was not able to before. From what I understand from reading The Wonder Weeks, during the leap our babies might now know what's going on or why their world seems different every time they wake up and it can be very upsetting which is why we, as parents, experience our babies being extremely irritable and clingy (not wanting to be put down).
The bad news is that these 'leaps' can be exhausting and trying for us parents, but the good news is that not only will our baby 'leap' to his/her next stage, there is a general timeline of when these leaps will happen. I've been following this calendar since Koda was just a few weeks old and sure enough - he is right on cue with every leap.
If I notice one day that he's being extra fussy or his schedule has changed, I look at my calendar and 10 out of 10 times he will be in a leap. It even shows when the worst point of the leap will be. This is (in my experience) right on point as well. Here's the calendar so you can track your baby and maybe you will find that his/her 'fussy periods' are more predictable than you think! You can buy the book The Wonder Weeks HERE or download this APP for your phone/tablet which will track your baby on the chart and tell you what you can expect and what they are learning from that particular leap.

Dakota is right in between week 44 and 45. You see that little storm cloud over week 44? Yea...it's there for a reason. These past few days have been hard for both of us but today, I can already tell that things are getting better and we'll be out of the woods soon. I know that because for the first time in about a week, he has went down for an early afternoon nap, without putting up a fight.
That's what I'm talkin' about!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Living in Germany

"What's it like living in Germany?"
I can't tell you how many times I've been asked this question since my family and I moved here almost 6 months ago. I didn't think it was fair to give my opinion until I had the chance to actually experience it for a while. After living here for a few months now, I'm still hesitant to give an answer, but I do have one....kind of.
I'm not the biggest fan.
Let's keep in mind that I have a very limited view. I haven't been able to travel much or experience all the great things that Germany has to offer. We live in a very small Army community, which is currently shutting down and lots of things aren't available to us anymore. So, there's that....along with the language barrier which can sometimes be very frustrating. I'm not saying that everyone should know English or something, because that wouldn't be fair. I just struggle with the language barrier and it can make simple things, like a trip to the grocery store, rather difficult.
I'm also not a fan of the driving here. I'm a nervous driver in general, and even though I have my German license, I am still terrified every time I have to drive somewhere. Drivers here seem very abrupt to me and it makes me uncomfortable. Maybe I'm just a wuss but, it is what it is.
There are a few other things that I don't like such as no A/C or ceiling fans, having to use bottled water, and the lack of elevators makes it difficult when you have a stroller and a baby that isn't able to walk. But now I just sound spoiled.
There are a few things that I really do love.
I love the scenery. Not necessarily where I live, but in places like Garmisch, the view is truly breathtaking.
Baby toys! Germany has some of the coolest baby/kids toys that I've ever seen. Not to mention their strollers. It's basically a bassinet on wheels. Neat-o!
"Downtown" Pretty much every place you go in Germany (that I've been to, at least) has a 'downtown' area with lots of shops and cafe's that you can just walk around for hours! When the weather is nice, it's perfect for family outings. You can go to and Eiscream shop and get these really elaborate (and delicious!) sundae's, go to a wine shop and taste all the wines and liquors, stop at a restaurant or 'brauhaus' and get a meal or a cheese platter, and go to all the other little shops along the way.  
I also love all the festivals that Germany has! There was one right across the street from where we live and we went to it almost every day that it was here. They have the best goodies and treats and also live bands and BEER, BEER and more BEER!

Hmm....maybe I like Germany a little more that I thought ;)

Sunday, August 25, 2013

FALLing in love!

The weather here in Germany is already cooling off and it's seriously putting me into the most festive mood!
Yes, I'm that girl with the Fall wreath already hanging on the door.

I used to be a die-hard Summer lover, but from home décor to Halloween duds for the little one, this Momma has fallen in love with FALL.
I've got my spicy scents from Candles by Victoria in my warmer, all the classic Halloween themed movies on the TV, cute festive designs on my chalkboards and apple cider in my mug!

It might seem a little soon to be jumping into all of this but I just can't help myself!

Speaking of not being able to help myself, I've already hit up Old Navy and Carter's to get some seasonal stuff for my little man. I think that any little one (girl or boy) could rock these all season long.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to get back to my Halloween movie marathon! (Hocus Pocus, anyone?)