As you may have noticed, I haven't posted in a while. Originally, it was due to the fact that we were in the process of moving to Germany. It kind of just went downhill from there BUT with much support from friends and family, I am back!
So now, here's a VERY belated update on Mr. Dakota Lane!
Age: 6 months and 6 days
Weight: 15lbs 6oz
Length: 27 in
1/2 Birthday! 4/19/13
Favorites: Food: Pear puree and Apple/Blueberry puree Activity: Being held by mommy, playing in the bouncer (but only when Mommy is in plain sight. The second I start walking away, the waterworks start) splashing at bathtime, and FLIRTING! Least favorite Activity: Not being held, getting dressed, waiting on food.

Latest accomplishments/discoveries: As of about a month ago he can roll over both ways. He also discovered his feet around the same time and loves to pull them up and play with them. He has started using bottles and sippy cups with handles so he can now hold his own bottle (with a little extra help every now and then). He is beginning to try to push up on his knees at tummy time so it looks like crawling is just around the corner! He is also SO close to being able to sit up completely unsupported, but tends to be lazy about it and just himself over when we practice like it's the most boring thing in the world.

Funniest Moments: His facial expressions at the introduction of each new food. (It looks like a 'sour face') He has developed a fake laugh for when we tickle him, but also has the most adorable real laugh in the whole wide world. But mommy's favorite was this morning while feeding him I was spooning his next bite and when I went to feed it to him he had fallen asleep! I tried to get a picture but, of course, he woke up as soon as I moved.
 Acting like he owns the place
coming soon: 4-5 month favorite and most used products!
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