Dakota is nearing 8 months old! In these past months my teeny tiny, preemie wearing baby boy has turned into a sitting, talking growling, crawling scooting machine! He also has such a big personality and the cutest smile in the entire world! (if you ask me)
6 & 7 Month Stats:
Weight: 6 months - 15.5 lbs
Height: 27 in
Relationship Status: Mommy has my...looks at baby girl...."oh hey cutie, I'm liking your diaper cover *wink*"
Living Arrangements: I still live with my parents *wink*
Food: pears, apples, blueberries, and BANANA POPCICLES!
Activities: Bath time, playing in the bouncer, and looking at pictures-of himself.
Accomplishments: Sits unassisted, scoots to get around, much more vocal, and hold his own bottle!
A couple favorites from these months:
6 & 7 Month Stats:
Weight: 6 months - 15.5 lbs
Height: 27 in
Relationship Status: Mommy has my...looks at baby girl...."oh hey cutie, I'm liking your diaper cover *wink*"
Living Arrangements: I still live with my parents *wink*
Food: pears, apples, blueberries, and BANANA POPCICLES!
Activities: Bath time, playing in the bouncer, and looking at pictures-of himself.
Accomplishments: Sits unassisted, scoots to get around, much more vocal, and hold his own bottle!
A couple favorites from these months:

My First Green Toys Stacker
AH-mazing! Koda will sit and play with this toy for 15-20 minutes at a time, several times a day. He absolutely loves it- and the sound it makes when he smacks the pieces together- and I do too. It helps encourage him to SIT UP and play annnddd it keeps him occupied! WIN-WIN!
We got this in our most recent citrus lane box. If you missed my post on them you can check it out here
Chan Teether by Vulli
We got him this in December but within the past couple of months it has become a favorite.
It's easy for him to hold, feels good on his gums, and squeaks when squeezed or chewed on. It gets an instant smile any time I give it to him.
Koda also does this growl thing now. It's hilarious and him and my husband will go back and forth with it. Here's a picture I got mid-growl.
My little moster =]
His hair looks so blonde in this pic! :) He's so precious!