Monday, August 27, 2012

Pregnancy: 30 Weeks

This past weekend, at 30 weeks, my husband and I went back for a ultrasound re-do since we weren't able to get any really good pictures of our little one's face. Well, this time wasn't any better. In fact, Koda decided to be even MORE uncooperative than last time! We only got one picture and it was of his profile, with his hand up by his mouth. He kept his knee and arm up covering his face the entire time. We even left, ate lunch, and went back and he was still in that position the entire time. What we did see from the picture, is that he has his daddy's nose. It looks EXACTLY like his. I have a feeling that he'll look exactly like Zach all together. The technician offered us another chance to come back and try again. We might go, but since the place that we like to go to is a while away from where we live, there's a chance that we won't. If we do, and we get good pictures, I'll post them here so you can see our little man's sweet face =]

How far along? 31 Weeks
Total weight gain: 20 + lbs
Maternity clothes? shorts and tops..hoping the weather starts cooling off so i can start wearing scarves and long sleeves and jeans and sweaters....can you tell i love fall clothes?!  
Stretch Marks? none so far! 
Sleep: on and uncomfortable!
Best moment this week: Seeing Koda again...even though he was being uncooperative!
Miss Anything? I've been planning a holloween party, which consists of all these amazing mixed drink recipes that i won't get to enjoy, so at this moment, I'm missing being able to have a drink.
 Movement? super active and super strong!! His movements take my breath away sometimes!
Food cravings?: burgers =/
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Gender: boy!
Labor Signs: nope
Symptoms: LEG PAIN!!! horrible leg pain...
Belly Button in or out? still in, but that is changing quickly!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Mood: excited
Looking forward to: my little man's birth!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Pregnancy: 29 Weeks

10 weeks....just 10 more weeks!!!! That's what I have to keep repeating to myself! Not only am I ready to see my little man's face, I have hit that stage where I am uncomfortable 110% of the time! I swear, he has no room left in there! Those little feet are in my ribs all day, every day and he likes to bury his head in my hip bone. I wake up at night groaning because I'm certain he's breaking my ribs....10 weeks...10 more!! I can do this!
In other news, my goddaughter (and Koda's future bride-hehe!), Jaylee Kaleen was born this week! On 8/14 the PRINCESS made her dramatic entrance (she wasn't due until Sept 9!) Completely healthy and so beautiful I can't even put it in words! Every time I hold her, Koda moves to wherever she is. It's like he just wants to be next to her. So cute! Her being here makes me that much more anxious for Koda's arrival!

How far along? 30 Weeks
Total weight gain: 20 lbs
Maternity clothes? shorts and tops! (even though my shorts are feeling a little snug)  
Stretch Marks? none so far! 
Sleep: on and uncomfortable!
Best moment this week: Jaylee's birth!
Miss Anything? being my normal size
 Movement? he's slowed down a bit, i guess because he's running out of room.
Food cravings?: fruit!
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Gender: boy!
Labor Signs: nope
Symptoms: swelling, fatigue, pain all over (really just in my midsection, but i'm feeling dramatic)
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Mood: anxious
Looking forward to: October

Monday, August 13, 2012

Pregnancy: Week 28

My little man has been so super active lately!! I'm getting less kicks, and more rolls and pushes. He will roll around and poke out his hand or foot. My new favorite game is trying to figure out exactly what he's pushing out. Here's the update!

How far along? 29 Weeks
Total weight gain: 14 lbs +
Maternity clothes? shorts and maternity or loose fitting tops 
Stretch Marks? none so far! 
Sleep: good for the most part. getting tired of all the trips to the bathroom though!
Best moment this week: spending the day out with my husband
Miss Anything? being able to wear normal clothes
 Movement? TONS!
Food cravings?: salad 
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Gender: boy!
Labor Signs: nope
Symptoms: fatigue, rib/back pain
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Mood: excited
Looking forward to: Saturday! We get to go see our baby boy's sweet face again!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Preggo Must Have's and Favorites

During my pregnancy, I have found myself turning to a few things repeatedly. Some, daily. I thought I'd share a few of my favorites with you.

1. What To Expect When You're Expecting- This book has been my bible throughout my pregnancy! From day one, it allows you to follow your baby's progression and growth as well as make more sense out of what you and your own body are going through. One of my favorite things to do each week is to read about our little guy and his growth. I often read ahead to see what we're in store for!
2. What a great website! There are discussion boards where you can read/comment/share with other pregnant women and moms. My favorite board is the monthly birth board (mine is October, obviously) but there is one for every birth month. It's great because you can talk with women who are going through the same phase of their pregnancy that you are. Lots of support and advice are offered. Also, sometimes the admins of the site will post freebies! (I recently got a free 8x8 photo book from!)
3. Body Pillow- Oh my goodness, my beloved body pillow!....ok so, I have a LOVE LOVE LOVE/hate relationship with it. Let me be clear, I would absolutely say that a body pillow is a necessity during pregnancy, and the sooner you get one, the better. You're husband/significant other might begin feeling a little neglected because instead of cuddling with them, you will definitely be cuddling the pillow. It's great for belly support and I love that it helps take the pressure off of my hips and keeps my knees from hurting. Now for the downfall...if you're making frequent trips to the bathroom during the night, it can be a real pain. I keep my pillow on the outside of the bed so, every time I have to get up at night, I have to move it completely out of the way and when I get back, re-situate it. My husband once recommended just rolling over it. I tried it and....hahaha!...not happening. So, while sometimes frustrating, absolutely necessary and wonderful for the most part.
4.Preggie Pop Drops- During my first trimester, while I never actually got sick, I was almost constantly nauseous. Bitter/sour edibles are known to help with this problem. These awesome little hard candies are both sweet and sour...and tasty! My favorites were the orange and raspberry. 
5. Donettes Chocolate Frosted Donuts-These obviously won't be for everyone, but they are one of the things I crave constantly. I always keep a bag around so when I'm craving chocolate, or just a sweet treat, I'll grab a couple! It's always good to keep something like this around. Something small and sweet, just don't eat them all at once!
6.Palmer's Cocoa Butter for Stretch Marks- I've been using this lotion on my belly, hips, boobs, and butt since the beginning of my pregnancy and so far, no stretch marks! (knock on wood!) I use it every night before bed and I use the Palmer's vitamin E oil every day after my shower. The smell isn't my favorite, but it keeps my belly from itching and keeps my skin moisturized!
7. Loose pajama pants- I'm pretty much living in pj's these days (unless of course I'm leaving the house) My favorite pj's to lounge around in are my thin VS pants. Unfortunately, I believe they're on their last leg (they've got a hole...which I'm pretty devastated about, to be quite honest) but, they are a couple of years old which probably adds to the ridiculously comfy factor. They are great for lounging around in and VS pj's are usually pretty cute so maybe you'll feel at least a little cute while you're posting up on the couch for the day and feeling otherwise....blegh.
8. To-go cup/tumbler- During pregnancy, we're supposed to be guzzling more water than we ever have before, and that means constantly having water on hand. Tumblers are a great alternative to toting around a water bottle. Not only does it save money, but some of them are insulated and keep your water cold for a long while. I use a Brita water pitcher to purify water from the tap and keep it cold in the fridge, and when we're about to hit the road, I'll fill up my tumbler, and i'm good to go! When you run out of water, find a water fountain and fill it up again! 

I hope you find this list helpful. Comment and let me know what your must have's are!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Pregnancy: Week 27

Another week down! Only 12 to go! (I am currently 28 weeks) I say it every week, but I truly cannot believe how quickly it's all gone by. I want so bad to start decorating the nursery! We certainly need to because our little bear will be here in no time! I thoroughly believe that the nursery decor is more for the mother than it is the child. I mean really, what kid ever remembers their nursery? But I do think it's necessary for a baby and mother to have a soft, quiet, calming place to retreat to. =] On another note, this week has come with more discomfort, which is to be expected. Back and rib pain to be more specific. No nausea this week, but plenty of heartburn! All of it is more than worth it, though. I am reminded constantly of that when i feel Dakota squirming and rolling around. This past Saturday we finally got to see his sweet face in a 3d ultrasound! However, Koda is a little camera shy and pretty much refused to give us any really good pictures of his face. Luckily, the business we get our 3d ultrasounds done at is AMAZING and is allowing us to come back in a couple of weeks to try again. I'll include pictures of this Saturday's ultrasound at the end of this entry. For now, here's my update:

How far along? 28 Weeks
Total weight gain: 14 lbs +
Maternity clothes? shorts and maternity or loose fitting tops 
Stretch Marks? none so far! Let's hope I can make it 12 more weeks!
Sleep: good. SUPER strange dreams though
Best moment this week: seeing my sweet baby boy's face
Miss Anything? being able to sit comfortably
 Movement? tons! =]
Food cravings?: pizza and chocolate 
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing in particular
Gender: boy!
Labor Signs: nope
Symptoms: fatigue, rib/back pain
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Mood: excited
Looking forward to: OCTOBER

 Baby boy waving
 Sleepy Koda yawning
snuggling up and puckering his lips. Getting ready for mommy's kisses!!!