Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Wonder Weeks

Wonder Weeks = A grumpy baby, and a very tired mommy
If you don't know what a Wonder Week is, let me break it down for you.
A few weeks at a time when your baby/toddler will cry almost constantly, forget all about their schedule, refuse naps, wake up 5 times a night, and test the boundaries that you've set for him/her while also testing your sanity.
Why? Because just as babies go through physical growth spurts, they also go through mental ones. These mental growth spurts are what the book The Wonder Weeks call "leaps" because after these few weeks of what you are certain is your breaking point, your baby will be able to do and understand things that he/she was not able to before. From what I understand from reading The Wonder Weeks, during the leap our babies might now know what's going on or why their world seems different every time they wake up and it can be very upsetting which is why we, as parents, experience our babies being extremely irritable and clingy (not wanting to be put down).
The bad news is that these 'leaps' can be exhausting and trying for us parents, but the good news is that not only will our baby 'leap' to his/her next stage, there is a general timeline of when these leaps will happen. I've been following this calendar since Koda was just a few weeks old and sure enough - he is right on cue with every leap.
If I notice one day that he's being extra fussy or his schedule has changed, I look at my calendar and 10 out of 10 times he will be in a leap. It even shows when the worst point of the leap will be. This is (in my experience) right on point as well. Here's the calendar so you can track your baby and maybe you will find that his/her 'fussy periods' are more predictable than you think! You can buy the book The Wonder Weeks HERE or download this APP for your phone/tablet which will track your baby on the chart and tell you what you can expect and what they are learning from that particular leap.

Dakota is right in between week 44 and 45. You see that little storm cloud over week 44? Yea...it's there for a reason. These past few days have been hard for both of us but today, I can already tell that things are getting better and we'll be out of the woods soon. I know that because for the first time in about a week, he has went down for an early afternoon nap, without putting up a fight.
That's what I'm talkin' about!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Living in Germany

"What's it like living in Germany?"
I can't tell you how many times I've been asked this question since my family and I moved here almost 6 months ago. I didn't think it was fair to give my opinion until I had the chance to actually experience it for a while. After living here for a few months now, I'm still hesitant to give an answer, but I do have one....kind of.
I'm not the biggest fan.
Let's keep in mind that I have a very limited view. I haven't been able to travel much or experience all the great things that Germany has to offer. We live in a very small Army community, which is currently shutting down and lots of things aren't available to us anymore. So, there's that....along with the language barrier which can sometimes be very frustrating. I'm not saying that everyone should know English or something, because that wouldn't be fair. I just struggle with the language barrier and it can make simple things, like a trip to the grocery store, rather difficult.
I'm also not a fan of the driving here. I'm a nervous driver in general, and even though I have my German license, I am still terrified every time I have to drive somewhere. Drivers here seem very abrupt to me and it makes me uncomfortable. Maybe I'm just a wuss but, it is what it is.
There are a few other things that I don't like such as no A/C or ceiling fans, having to use bottled water, and the lack of elevators makes it difficult when you have a stroller and a baby that isn't able to walk. But now I just sound spoiled.
There are a few things that I really do love.
I love the scenery. Not necessarily where I live, but in places like Garmisch, the view is truly breathtaking.
Baby toys! Germany has some of the coolest baby/kids toys that I've ever seen. Not to mention their strollers. It's basically a bassinet on wheels. Neat-o!
"Downtown" Pretty much every place you go in Germany (that I've been to, at least) has a 'downtown' area with lots of shops and cafe's that you can just walk around for hours! When the weather is nice, it's perfect for family outings. You can go to and Eiscream shop and get these really elaborate (and delicious!) sundae's, go to a wine shop and taste all the wines and liquors, stop at a restaurant or 'brauhaus' and get a meal or a cheese platter, and go to all the other little shops along the way.  
I also love all the festivals that Germany has! There was one right across the street from where we live and we went to it almost every day that it was here. They have the best goodies and treats and also live bands and BEER, BEER and more BEER!

Hmm....maybe I like Germany a little more that I thought ;)

Sunday, August 25, 2013

FALLing in love!

The weather here in Germany is already cooling off and it's seriously putting me into the most festive mood!
Yes, I'm that girl with the Fall wreath already hanging on the door.

I used to be a die-hard Summer lover, but from home décor to Halloween duds for the little one, this Momma has fallen in love with FALL.
I've got my spicy scents from Candles by Victoria in my warmer, all the classic Halloween themed movies on the TV, cute festive designs on my chalkboards and apple cider in my mug!

It might seem a little soon to be jumping into all of this but I just can't help myself!

Speaking of not being able to help myself, I've already hit up Old Navy and Carter's to get some seasonal stuff for my little man. I think that any little one (girl or boy) could rock these all season long.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to get back to my Halloween movie marathon! (Hocus Pocus, anyone?)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Chicken and Veggie Stir Fry

Who doesn't love a good recipe? Especially when it's super easy, fast, and yummy!
This is something that I threw together one night and it turned out DELICIOUS!
The pineapples add a burst of flavor and the water chestnuts and cashews add some crunch!
Here's what you'll need:

2 or 3 chicken breast, cut into strips (depending on how many people you're serving)
3 bell peppers (1 red, 1 yellow, 1 green) cut into strips
1 medium onion, diced
1 cup baby portabello mushrooms, sliced (more, if you like)
1 can water chestnuts
1 can diced pineapple
1 cup halved cashews
Kikkoman Stir-Fry Sauce (approx 1/2 bottle)

In a skillet, cook chicken. In another skillet, combine bell peppers, onion, and mushrooms and saute until soft. In a pot or large skillet, combine chicken and vegetables and stir fry sauce. Add in water chestnuts, pineapple and cashews and let simmer uncovered for 5-10 minutes. Serve. You can also serve over noodles or rice, if you prefer.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

This or That: Diaper Genie vs. Munchkin Diaper Pail

There are SO many decisions to be made when you are preparing for the arrival of a baby. How should you decorate the nursery? What brands should you use? What items are worth splurging on and which items can I afford to spend less on?
After going through this, I have come across some products that I've had to switch out or replace, which means spending more money so, I've decided to start doing this type of post called 'This or That' where I will compare two or more brands of the same type of item and give you a review of both, ultimately giving my opinion of which is better and hopefully saving you some time, hassle, and money.

Our first match- Diaper Disposal

You spend hour upon hours, and most likely quite a bit of money, on setting up your babies nursery. It's beautiful and perfect, just like your sweet new baby, but if you don't have a good way to dispose of diapers, that perfectly designed room that you worked so hard on can become a room that you'll avoid at all costs because it smells like baby poo. Even if you don't dispose of your diapers in the nursery, wherever you do dispose of them, the smell is sure to linger.

DIAPER GENIE ($ 34.99): When preparing for Dakota's arrival, we got a gently used Diaper Genie from a consignment sale (We probably paid about $10.00). It was in perfect condition and had no 'smell' to it. However, after Dakota arrived and it was put to use, it quickly became a problem. It held in the 'smell' when it was closed, but the moment you opened it to throw away a new diaper, the room was filled with stench. I couldn't figure out what the problem was. It was emptied (which was a nightmare because those liners are a huge pain in the but to work with) and cleaned out on a regular basis. I tried using baking soda to help absorb some of the smell but nothing worked. The smell was getting unbearable and I got to the point where I would rather just throw the diaper in a plastic bag, tie it up, and throw it in the regular trash bin just to avoid opening the Diaper Genie.

Finally, enough was enough and my husband and I agreed that it was time to give in and get a different diaper disposal system.

Munchkin Arm and Hammer Diaper Pail ($29.99): This diaper pail is a DREAM. It is so easy  to use and when you throw away a diaper, the liner twists so that no smell escapes from the bag. There is also a cartridge of baking soda in the lid that releases a sprinkle every time it shuts so it keeps the pail even fresher and when it's empty, you just pop off the lid and refill it! No expensive cartridges you have to buy.. The liners are SO easy to deal with, too. Instead of all the turning, and cutting that comes with the diaper genie, when you are ready to empty this diaper pail, the top of the bag pops out, snaps together and becomes a handle, and a closure for the bag. GENIUS! I couldn't be happier we made the switch. I just wish we hadn't waited so long!

If you'd like, you can click here to watch a video and see just how the Munchkin Diaper Pail works.

The winner of this match up is clear- Munchkin Arm and Hammer Diaper Pail.

If you'd like to see more posts like this, or have a request on a type of baby item that you'd like to see compared, just comment below!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Pinterest Experience: Butterbeer

I've been a huge fan of Pinterest for a while now. One huge problem with it is that I see so many great ideas and just PIN, PIN, PIN and never actually give them a try (Other than the occasional dinner recipe) My husband, however, pins things, actually gets the supplies and tries them. His latest pin that he wanted to try: Butterbeer. If you're a Harry Potter fan (he is, I'm not really that into it) then you've heard of this. It is not an actual beer, just a sweet treat kind of drink. Maybe the Hogwarts hot chocolate?

The recipe we used consisted of :
1 cup (8 oz) club soda or cream soda (We used cream soda)
1/2 cup (4 oz) butterscotch syrup (ice cream topping)
1/2 tablespoon butter

Basically, you warm the syrup and butter and stir in the soda.

The result?
For us, we each took a sip, looked at each other like "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" BLEGH!! SO over the top sweet, thick, and just downright disappointing. We each took a couple more sips- willing the flavor to grow on us but, no such luck, and with that, down the kitchen sink it went.

Butterbeer was beery disappointing.
I should've just drank the cream soda. It never lets me down.

I'd love to hear of any 'Pinterest Fails' you've encountered. Comment below!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Mommy-to-be Handbook

Ok, so the title of this post might be a little far-fetched. I am by no means an expert in pregnancy or all of the emotions etc. that come after the birth BUT I have been through it and I think I have a few worth-while tips to offer moms-to-be or even new moms. Keep in mind that I am still a 'new mom' myself but, the New Mom I'll be referring to is the one up to around 2 months post partum. With that, I'll get started.

1. Get as much sleep as you can.- You will hear over and over how 'You will never have a peaceful nights sleep again' or something to that affect. Let me be the one  to tell you, it's the truth! Even if you're blessed with a perfect child who sleeps through the night from day one (fyi-That will never, ever happen. They will need to eat) you will be peering into their bassinet/crib/whatevertheysleepin to make sure the blanket hasn't worked it's way into their face and holding your finger under their nose to make sure they are breathing. Once they've grown past the stage of needing to eat during the night, even if they sleep through the entire night chances are you won't, and if you do, it won't be that peaceful slumber that you once had. The  'mommy' in you is still 100% awake and ready to jump out of bed at the slightest whimper that rings through the baby monitor.

2. Spend quality time with your significant other. - Enjoy the time that you have left as a 'couple' before you become a 'family'. Go on dates often, cuddle, TALK- and not just about the baby. These are the last moments you will have with just you and him. When the baby arrives it will be difficult to spend quality time together and impossible to do so without interruptions. You are probably ACHING to meet your baby, but really, just take some time to enjoy each other.

3. Don't be in a hurry.- I wish I would have listened when people were telling me this. Your pregnancy WILL fly by and your baby will be here before you know it. Enjoy your pregnancy and the experiences you have with each stage of it. You won't miss the heartburn, feet in your ribs, or waddling around like an out of breath penguin but you will miss those little flutters and kicks in your belly all too soon.
4. Prepare yourself mentally. - Birth is a beautiful thing, but labor certainly is not. It is highly uncomfortable painful, there are parts of it that are downright gross, and by the end of it, modesty will be a thing of the past, believe me, but the truth of the matter is that once your baby is placed in your arms, you will completely forget about all of it. Why else would women go through this more than once?!

5. Don't cut the tags off of their clothes! - I should've listened to my mother in law. There are so many outfits that my son never got to wear but I just HAD to wash and put away his clothes before he even got here. DON'T DO IT because later you will be going "What am I supposed to do with this now? He never even wore it!" Keep the tags on the clothes until you've put them on and made sure they fit. If they're too small, take them back for a new outfit that will fit!

New Mom

6. Dealing with mommy guilt.- I felt guilty when my son was first born because I thought that I would just have this instantaneous 'bond' with him, and I did, but it wasn't what I thought it would be.  From the moment I first laid eyes on him yes, I loved him more than anything in the entire world, but later, after the initial high of 'the birth' wore off, I felt.....detatched. (That's the only world I could think to explain it. I felt like "I don't know this person, all I know is I love him more than life itself" Frankly, I was SCARED and confused. I had never cared for a newborn before! I had most certainly never had a LIFE solely dependant on ME! I was so very in love, and so very overwhelmed. My point is, if you don't feel that immediate 'connection' don't feel bad! My mom felt the same way when I was born. It is natural. As long as you are loving, caring, and nurturing, the bond and connection will develop naturally. and before you know it this teeny tiny person will be the very reason you breath.

7. 'Breast is best' blah blah blah- Yes, I do agree that breast is best. Yes, I think that everyone should try it and if it works out, stick with it. The first two weeks are the hardest but after that, it's easy peasy. HOWEVER- sometimes it just doesn't work out. Sometimes you don't make enough milk, sometimes the baby won't latch in which case you could pump but sometimes the pump doesn't work either. There are SO many situations in which breastfeeding just isn't going to happen. In my case, Dakota was a naturally good latcher. I made plenty of milk, everything was going well, but there was one BIG problem. My milk was FAR too lean. By lean, I mean almost no fat whatsoever. My baby was hardly gaining any weight! I didn't realize this was the problem and I was so against formula feeding that I just kept breastfeeding and wondering why my son wanted to nurse LITERALLY ALL DAY EVERY DAY. I was exhausted, he was cranky and far too small for his age. I finally broke down and gave him formula and it kept him full! I decided to breastfeed most of the time and give him the occasional bottle of formula. Eventually he went to more bottles and less breast and then around 6 months, switched completely to formula. And you know what? We're all a lot better off! Dakota is fat and happy and mommy isn't exhausted and on the verge of tears because she can't do anything but nurse all day! I saw some sort of logo or picture the other day that was a mother with the baby on the breast and another with the baby on a bottle. Beneath it, it said, "I am fed. You are a good mommy." I couldn't agree more.

8. You will look like crap.- I used to be the 'wouldn't leave the house without a full face of makeup and perfect hair' kind of girl. After I had Koda? Psh! Forget about it! I tried that for a while but I've come to realize, I have a baby to take care of and a house to run. So what if at the end of the day I'm still in my pajama's, my hair is tied  up in a messy bun and my eyes have bags under them? My baby is happy and well cared for, my house is (hopefully) clean, and dinner is made. If I happen to find time to put on jeans and a bra...well...that just means I get extra points because I am SUPERMOM!

9  Don't worry.- I am known for worrying. It is what I do and I do it well. With babies, it's especially easy to drive yourself crazy with worry. Is he eating enough? Is he sleeping too much? Should he have hit this milestone by now? STOP IT! As long as your baby is healthy and interactive EVERYTHING IS FINE! As far as milestones go, every baby is different. Some do things very early, some skip certain things all together. Let them do their thing and sit back and enjoy watching them learn and grow.

10. Don't neglect your significant other.-It is extremely easy for this baby to occupy every place in your heart and your head but, make sure you are making time for Daddy. Not only is he overwhelmed by the new addition, he's most likely feeling left out and probably a little jealous. He is used to having you all to himself and all of the sudden this baby is taking up your every waking moment. Just as you are trying to acclimate yourself to motherhood, he is trying to acclimate himself to fatherhood. He may not feel that 'bond' as quickly as you do. Give him time, soon he will be wrapped around that babies finger. This isn't what I was getting at though- Your husband is your 'forever relationship'. Yes, you will be tied to your child forever, but one day, that child will grow up and start having a life of their own and you and your husband will be left with each other. This is why there is a thing called 'Empty Nest Syndrome'. Parents forget that, in the end, it is their relationship that they will be left with for life, so DON'T let the fire die out!! Get a babysitter once a month for a date night. Say 'I love you' with conviction, be flirtatious!! Do whatever you have to do to keep your love alive! Besides, that's the reason you have a baby anyway, right?  ;) 

11. MOST IMPORTANTLY, Be confident and Trust yourself!- I've spent a lot of my life trying to be a certain way for certain people and always falling short. Because of it, I have a lack of confidence in almost everything, except when it comes to being a mom. If there is one thing I am proud of and one thing I know I'm good at in this life, it's being a mommy. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that my child KNOWS how much I love him. He is cherished, well cared for, and healthy. I may ask for advice and have questions from time to time but at the end of the day, no matter what advice I'm given, no matter what anyone says, I am going to go with my instinct. Motherly instinct is a fascinating gift from God and it is how you learn to become the best mother you can be. As long as you know in your heart of hearts that every decision you make, and everything you do is in the best interest of your child, you are a fantastic mother. Be confident in that! If you find yourself lacking confidence, or if you just don't know what to do in any given situation, The Man Upstairs has always led me down the right path. <3

Monday, June 10, 2013

6 & 7 month recap

Dakota is nearing 8 months old! In these past months my teeny tiny, preemie wearing baby boy has turned into a sitting, talking growling, crawling scooting machine! He also has such a big personality and the cutest smile in the entire world! (if you ask me)

6 & 7 Month Stats:
Weight: 6 months - 15.5 lbs
Height: 27 in
Relationship Status: Mommy has my...looks at baby girl...."oh hey cutie, I'm liking your diaper cover *wink*"
Living Arrangements: I still live with my parents *wink*
Food: pears, apples, blueberries, and BANANA POPCICLES!
Activities: Bath time, playing in the bouncer, and looking at pictures-of himself.
Accomplishments: Sits unassisted, scoots to get around, much more vocal, and hold his own bottle!

A couple favorites from these months:

My First Green Toys Stacker
AH-mazing! Koda will sit and play with this toy for 15-20 minutes at a time, several times a day. He absolutely loves it- and the sound it makes when he smacks the pieces together- and I do too. It helps encourage him to SIT UP and play annnddd it keeps him occupied! WIN-WIN!
We got this in our most recent citrus lane box. If you missed my post on them you can check it out here

Chan Teether by Vulli
We got him this in December but within the past couple of months it has become a favorite.
It's easy for him to hold, feels good on his gums, and squeaks when squeezed or chewed on. It gets an instant smile any time I give it to him.

Koda also does this growl thing now. It's hilarious and him and my husband will go back and forth with it. Here's a picture I got mid-growl.

My little moster =]

Monday, April 29, 2013

Monthly Favorites : 5 Months

Here are a few of our favorite things from Dakota's 5th month.

Baby Einstein Bouncer: Koda started interacting with his toys a lot more this month. He loves to hit the piano to make it play music and often gets upset when it stops so he whacks it again until it plays another tune for him. He also loves the attachment with the frog that spins and the little beads that spin and move. I love that it's adjustable in height so it will grow with him. He already stands up fully for a few seconds at a time in it so, it's obviously encouraging him to stand. The seat also turns a full 360% so he has access to all of the toys and he can turn and see me no matter where I am in the room.
Gerber Oatmeal Cereal: Slightly more nutritious than regular cereal (not by much, but still a little better). This has become a part of our nightly routine and also morning if he doesn't feel like being spoon fed. The Doctor told me that studies have shown that there's no correlation between cereals and how well babies sleep at night after having it but- I beg to differ. This kid needs his nightly oatmeal. We just add a few tablespoons (we started with 1 tablespoon at 4 months old and it's increase slightly over time) to his regular bottle of formula and he drinks it at bedtime. Gerber has also come out with awesome new plastic containers instead of boxes which is a lot more convenient and less messy.
Any rattle with little beads: He has quite a few similar to the one pictured here and just loves them all. He loves that he can hold them and make is movements come with noise! Even better- they're inexpensive.
Sassy Mirror: This is tummy time's best friend. I just prop this baby up in front of Koda (and slightly out of reach) and he will move himself to it, stare at it, giggle, move it, and play with the lady bug rattle on it.
Nuby Learner Bottle: This bottle comes with a removable handle and two types of nipples to help your baby learn to hold the bottle and transition to sippy cups. We're still on the first nipple, with handles. The first time I offered it to Koda, his hands went right for the handles and he held it like a pro! Such a big boy! *proud momma moment*
Any blanket with satin on the edges: At this age, babies love soft things. In Koda's case, he doesn't really care for plushy feeling things like stuffed animals, but he just can't get enough of the silky/satiny edges of his blankets.
Munckin Drying Rack: I prefer washing bottles/nipples/etc by hand but drying them?...no thanks. This sucker holds all of Koda's 10 million bottles (big and small), along with spoons, nipples, and other accessories. Very good buy.

Hope you found this helpful, and as always, thanks for reading!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Citrus Lane

I'm sure you've all heard about those monthly subscription boxes. You pay a montly due (usually somewhere between $10-25) and you get a box full of products in the mail. Sometimes they're a surprise and sometimes you get to choose what's put in it, depending on the company you order from. There are all types of products offered too. Some boxes promote beauty products, others promote health food, etc. While looking for new baby gadgets for Koda, I came upon a company that promotes products for mommies babies-according to age. After looking through some of their products, I decided to place an order and try them out. This is one of the boxes in which the contents are a surprise so, needless to say, when the box arrived yesterday, I was PUMPED! I was not disappointed. Here's what we received.

Below are the descriptions of each product given by Citrus Lane on the insert of the package.

Spinning Penguin from Melissa & Doug
"Babies are curious by nature, and this wooden toy from Melissa & Doug satisfies their urge to explore. Right about now (as I mentioned before each package is based on my your child's age) fine-motor skills are starting to develop, with small precise thumb, finger, hand and wrist movements coming into play. This friendly penguin encourages those skills, rewarding your baby with a pleasing rattle with every shake and spin."
Cost : $7.99

Shampoo & Body Wash from The Honest Company
"Here's a head-to-toe shampoo and body wash the entire family can use. This tear-free, plant-based cleanser contains the highest quality organic and natural ingredients,, so it's gentle enough for babies, even those with skin irritations and cradle cap. Organic calendula soothes, moisturizes and protects, while essential oils, fruit extracts, organic aloe and vitamin E hydrate. Perfectly pH balanced and hypoallergenic, it removes dirt without stripping natural oils. Shake well before use!" 
Citrus Lane also included a 20% off coupon to honest.com.
Cost: $9.95

Silicone Train Spoon from Oogaa
"Feeding time is much more fun when you incorporate an element of play, and Oogaa kept that in mind when designing this train-shaped spoon. And, if your little one is paying more attention to the spoon than the veggies you're introducing, that's just another bonus! Made entirely from high-grade silicone that's PVC- and phthalate-free, you can throw it inn the dishwasher on any shelf."
Citrus Lane also included a coupon code to 30% off at oogaa.com
Cost: $5.99

Little Cremes from Plum Organics
"The right time to introduce snacks varies baby to baby-some are ready at six months and others not until later. With that in mind, we're sending you Plum Organics Little Cremes a little early. The delicious bite-sized fruit and veggie blends are a perfect first snack because they're non-dairy and melt easily. If your little one isn't quite ready, just throw it in the cupboard for when the time is right"
Citrus Lane also included 2 $.50 coupons for any Plum Organics product.
Cost from Amazon.com: $3.79

EZ Grip Training Teether from Innobaby
"Teething is a painful rite of passage. And, it can be hard for little ones to self-soothe. This teether has a soft, flexible design that gently massages and stimulates the gums to ease discomfort, all while promoting natural jaw development. Best of all, the barbell shape makes the teether super easy for babies to hold - it's lightweight and perfectly sized for small hands."
Citrus Lane also included at 15% off coupon code to innobaby.com
Cost: $4.95

Price I paid for Citrus Lane box (one time shipment): $25.00
Total cost of all products included: $32.67
For a savings of : $7.67- not including the coupons that were provided.
Also, I actually saved a lot more than $7.67 if I were to include the shipping and handling costs of each product individually.

I would definitely recommend ordering from Citrus Lane. It was so fun to open the box and see all the fun things that were included. It will be so fun to see how Koda likes the items, as well. They also got this package to me SUPER fast, considering that we are located overseas! I hope you all enjoyed this post. Let me know if you would like to see more like it and if you decide to order from Citrus Lane, tell them Jess from BabyDQ.blogspot.com sent you!



Thursday, April 25, 2013

A belated update- 6 months

As you may have noticed, I haven't posted in a while. Originally, it was due to the fact that we were in the process of moving to Germany. It kind of just went downhill from there BUT with much support from friends and family, I am back!

So now, here's a VERY belated update on Mr. Dakota Lane!

Age: 6 months and 6 days
Weight: 15lbs 6oz
Length: 27 in


1/2 Birthday! 4/19/13

Food: Pear puree and Apple/Blueberry puree
Activity: Being held by mommy, playing in the bouncer (but only when Mommy is in plain sight. The second I start walking away, the waterworks start) splashing at bathtime, and FLIRTING!
Least favorite Activity: Not being held, getting dressed, waiting on food.

Latest accomplishments/discoveries: As of about a month ago he can roll over both ways. He also discovered his feet around the same time and loves to pull them up and play with them. He has started using bottles and sippy cups with handles so he can now hold his own bottle (with a little extra help every now and then). He is beginning to try to push up on his knees at tummy time so it looks like crawling is just around the corner! He is also SO close to being able to sit up completely unsupported, but tends to be lazy about it and just himself over when we practice like it's the most boring thing in the world.

Funniest Moments: His facial expressions at the introduction of each new food. (It looks like a 'sour face') He has developed a fake laugh for when we tickle him, but also has the most adorable real laugh in the whole wide world. But mommy's favorite was this morning while feeding him I was spooning his next bite and when I went to feed it to him he had fallen asleep! I tried to get a picture but, of course, he woke up as soon as I moved.

Acting like he owns the place

coming soon: 4-5 month favorite and most used products!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Growing Up

First of all- I've seriously been slacking on my updates so, sorry for that! Now, on to the good stuff! My sweet baby boy is already 15 WEEKS old! So this coming friday, in weeks, he will be 4 months old! So hard to believe! And in this past month, my baby boy has made a ton of progress! I have no idea how my tiny, sleepy newborn has transformed into this 9 lb 15 oz, 24 inch baby! He is constantly babbling and cooing and, as of two days ago, has become a PRO at rolling over and holding himself up on his arms. He has also gained neck control which means - dun dun dunnnnn- we can start foods soon! He is awesome at sitting up in his bumbo chair which will be very helpful when we do decide to start those foods. My little lovebug has also taken a liking to his swing - thank goodness, it is a life saver! - and even has a favorite toy which is pictured below. The rings on it are awesome for him to grab and hold onto and he has started bringing them to his mouth to chew on and, of course, he LOVES the mirror on it. If he sees himself in it, his eyes get huge and he will start 'patting' it over and over to hear the and feel the 'crinkly' stuff that's underneath. It's so fun to see him discovering all these new things and developing this awesome little personality. I fall more in love with him each day. He is truly my own personal ray of sunshine.